Eagle Fustar at Menlo College
Pre-HP clinics (PHP) focus on 9 to 14 year old players with a UTR of 3.0-4.5. Pre HP clinics will build various tennis skills and game fundamentals in a high energy environment with the goal of making the push into our HP clinics. Players will be exposed to college level drills, point play, and stroke-production drills with additional physical activities to address court movement, agility, core strength. Players can expect a lot of touches on the ball and a mix of live ball and feeding drills. Developing mental skills is an integral part of Pre-HP.
Core Performance Clinics (CPC) focus on 9 to 13 year old players who have prior tennis experience and who are playing, or starting competitive play in tournaments. These clinics offer all players a more intense workout where they are pushed to excel in a positive environment. Skills and techniques are refined, on court strategy broadened. These clinics increase the intensity of training in preparation for the PRE-HP clinics.
Pre-Core Performance (PCP) program is comprised of introductory and intermediate programs including Ralleyball 1 (7-10), Ralleyball 2 (7-10) and Pre-Core Plus (7-11). Through engaging and fun instruction, sessions will focus on building hand-eye skills, athletic development, fundamental tennis techniques, and getting the maximum amount of quality touches on the ball.
Ralleyball I
Ralleyball I (Ages 7-10). Fundamental ball skills, movement, and coordination exercises will be included. Focus on continuing to build hand- eye skills and basic tennis techniques through fun instruction. We utilize the USTA 10 and Under Pathway and will have the players working on 36 foot courts, age appropriate racquets and balls (Red and Orange). We will begin to introduce beginning strategies, different grips, and basic tennis footwork patterns.*
Ralleyball II
Ralleyball II (Ages 8-11). For players who have advanced from Ralleyball I or have had similar prior instruction. Emphasis will focus on enhancing hand-eye skills and more intermediate tennis techniques. Will utilize the USTA 10 and Under Pathway and will begin to transition to the Orange and Green ball, with introduction to intermediate strategies and footwork patterns and constructing basic tennis points. Practice/Play on 36′ RED court & 60′ ORANGE court.* *Because Ralleyball I & II are offered at the same time, coaches may move a player from one level to another based on ability.
Pre Core Plus (Ages 7-11). For players who have advanced from Ralleyball II or have had similar prior instruction. This session is the bridge between our Pre-Core and Core programs. Players must be approved by the coaching staff to join the Pre-Core Plus program. The program will work on athletic development, proper fundamental technique, footwork development, continental grip skills, point play/strategies, and character development. Players will receive a lot of quality touches on the ball. Depending on the skills that the players are working on, we will use a combination of Orange, Green, and mostly Yellow ball in this program. This program is perfect for players who have already competed in ROG tournaments or are planning to compete in ROG tournaments. Classes are 2 hours long. Players must be able to handle a longer workload.

New Players
Please contact Coach Thep at thep@eaglefustar.com prior participation in Eagle Fustar programs at Menlo College for more information and to ensure proper program placement.
Program Procedures during
Rain/Air Quality/Acts of Nature
To find out the status of an Eagle Fustar clinic or Eagle Fustar Program – please follow or simply check posts made to
Eagle Fustar X (formerly Twitter).
We attempt to update X (formerly Twitter) an hour before the clinic, and oftentimes can do it much earlier than that, when we know weather issues will last throughout the day. Other times, particularly when raining, nature does not cooperate and give us a lot of time to get the word out. Coaches may be busy trying to dry the courts or sense changing weather and are waiting to send more precise information. Coaches on site will update Eagle Fustar X (formerly Twitter) as soon as they have information to share, and certainly update no later than 30 minutes prior (if not much earlier, again, depending on changing weather). We want to be on the courts every day, but safety always remains our first priority.