What ability level is needed for the Core Performance and High Performance level?
The High Performance Clinics are for those solidly competing at the USTA 12 Championship and higher levels. Core Performance players have some tennis experience but may have little or no competitive experience. However, as with all EF players, Core Performance players are serious about their commitment to tennis. Many have played Novice or Challenger level tournaments, while others are working toward that goal.
How do I know which program is right for my player?
In most cases, we are able to place a player into the appropriate program based on a variety of factors including age, experience, and ranking. When there isn’t enough data to determine placement, we arrange an evaluation at one of the programs. Evaluations are done at the end of a clinic. This is a 10-15 minute hit with a coach where they can determine the appropriate placement and discuss this with the parent and player.
How much of each tennis clinic is devoted to conditioning?
Because the game of tennis continues to get more challenging on a physical level, it is important to recognize that conditioning is a big part of training. Conditioning is mostly incorporated into various drilling segments, and may also be done on a smaller scale between drills and/or at the end of clinic.
Do the clinics offer any mental toughness training?
Mental toughness is not just for match day, it is an integral part of our daily training. Eagle Fustar has a formal collaboration with 2Mynds, a system that integrates development and maintenance of mental fitness in athletic physical training. Leon Bax, the head coach of 2Mynds periodically organizes workshops and takes care of personal training when needed. In addition to constantly exposing, challenging, and coaching our players on key components of mental fitness during our clinics, we use the 2Mynds online e-learning and app-based workouts to make mind-body training a standard part of our player development.
If my child gets sick or injured can I get a refund?
Because of the number of clinics available to players during a month, it is rare that a player cannot complete their plan in the event of illness. In extreme cases of illness or injury, we are certainly flexible and work with you to ensure you receive the appropriate credit toward future programs and plans.
What if it rains a lot in one month and it’s difficult to complete the clinics I paid for?
Because of the number of clinics offered each month it is unlikely a player will not be able to complete their monthly plan. During the rainy season, players are not restricted to the 2 or 3 times a week attendance but rather can come as much as possible during any week in order to complete their clinic pack. If it is an unusually rainy month, we make adjustments as needed to ensure players receive the value in their plan investment.
What is a typical clinic structure?
All clinics start with activation and warm up. After the warm up, we break up into groups and do about 1.5 hours of drilling segments with coaches. After the drilling, we always work on serve repetitions and we conclude each workout with point play.
Is there a discount for signing up for multiple private lessons with a coach?
We recommend 10-packs that offer a $25 discount on the pack, but most importantly, they guarantee your time slot with your coach. Of course, when beginning lessons with a new coach, we recommend starting with a single lesson to make sure both sides are comfortable with the chemistry between player and coach. We can then apply that lesson and fee to a 10-pack should you choose to continue.
Can I take lessons from a coach outside of Eagle Fustar but still attend EF clinics?
Absolutely. While we hope we can address your private coaching needs, we understand players may work with other coaches. We know and have great relationships with many coaches in the area and are happy to speak with them to ensure both sides are working together effectively to reach consistent player goals.
How quickly will my child move up from Core Performance to the High Performance level?
Every child progresses differently and there are different aspects to being ready for HPC. The head coaches of Core Performance and HPC work together to determine a player’s readiness to move up. They will let you know when they feel your player is ready for the move. You or your player should feel comfortable asking a coach what benchmarks they need to hit to be ready for the move. Keep in mind that it is not just ability compared to other players that determines a player’s level. Mental toughness attributes – such as confidence and focus – along with physical traits, such as athleticism and endurance, are also considerations.
Do I have to attend the same clinics at the same locations every week?
The best part of Flex Plans is that they offer you the flexibility to come to any clinic within your program (EPC, HPC or CPC) that works best for your schedule each week. Both programs have many clinics days, locations and times to choose from. While some players tend to have a routine and train the same days each week, the flex plans allow you to adjust your training to fit into your ever-changing school, tournament, and personal plans.
Can two players share a Flex Plan?
Siblings may share the monthly FP13 and FP17 plans, in addition to the FP13 and FP17 summer/winter bundle plans. Sharing the Flex Plan 9 is not allowed.
How do I go about getting my child signed up for clinics?
If you are interested in attending our clinics, please visit our “Contact Us” page in order to answer some basic questions about your player to help us determine which program (CPC, HPC or EPC) will be the best one for them. You must email us prior to attending your first clinic to ensure proper placement, in addition to electronically signing our mandatory waiver. We also alert the head coaches that a new player will be attending their first clinic, in order for them to allow time to discuss their observations with you after that first clinic.
How does a player get approval to attend the Elite Performance clinics?
The Elite Performance clinics are for our top players, and approval to attend these clinics is determined by Nick and Brian. They are looking for players with a high sectional/national ranking, along with a strong and positive commitment to tennis and the program.