At Mango Park in Sunnyvale for High Performance and Combo Players
Power Weeks are designed to give players rigorous collegiate-style training in a competitive, yet supportive, all-day training environment. Players will work on tennis skills, physical conditioning, mental skills, and tactical work. On court core values are reinforced through positive habit building, particularly during match play.
The cancellation/change deadline is 7 days prior to the start of each Camp/Power Week. You now cancel registration yourself within the Active system.
***No CANCELLATIONS, CHANGES OR REFUNDS after cancellation deadline***
-$50 per week fee to cancel registration (to cover our registration fees)
-There is no fee to cancel a waitlist registration
To Cancel Registration: You cancel within the Active registration system yourself.
CHANGES -$25 fee for changes within the change deadline, with changes only made if availability in the Session you are requesting. If that Session is not available, you will need to cancel with the $50 cancellation fee
To Change Registration:
Email katy@eaglefustar.com, participant’s full name along with info on requested change.